The Essence of a Bulga Handbag
Having actually understood the market’s saturation of costly bags bearing the replica of a handcrafted craft, she took the opportunity, at first under the name Kono Valova. And the Bulga purse was born brought together by her customizing competence and a fresh eye for style. Actually equated, Bulga is Latin for leather bag which Natalia experienced when looking at old town names of her house nation.
Made for the independent and positive lady, the Bulga purse stimulates elegance, art, culture and enjoyable with a mindset. With leather as the essential and a favorite of Natalia’s, the Bulga bags stay constant with ageless classy kinds. All of which comes together in the streamlined, elegant sense and still obtainable cost of a Bulga purse.
The Bulga collection is now called as one of the “it bags” these days’s style as supported by interests of leading female stars. The boost in audience is likewise seen in a great variety of functions in significant style publications and the title of “Bag of the Moment” offered by People Magazine.
The Bulga purse, however well crafted, is simply the start of Natalia Konovalova’s dreams. This young designer is clever to begin sluggish and little in hopes of raising the name into a complete clothes line for females that would stand amongst the similarity Gucci. Till then, Natalia will continue to develop for the essence of a female and the requirement for expression.
And the Bulga purse was born brought together by her customizing competence and a fresh eye for style. Made for the independent and positive female, the Bulga purse stimulates elegance, art, culture and enjoyable with a mindset. With leather as the pillar and a favorite of Natalia’s, the Bulga bags stay stable with ageless classy types. The Bulga bag, however well crafted, is simply the start of Natalia Konovalova’s dreams.